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Menstrual Pain is Cramping Her Style

Woman has habitually experienced intense menstrual cramps so painful that she can’t do anything! Now, her cramps have worsened, if that was possible. She used to use sex to alleviate some of her issues; now, she can’t even bring herself to begin intercourse. What is the cause of her horrific pains, and what can she do about it?
Case #:1369

Every time during before my period, I experience intense menstrual cramps. I cannot walk. I cannot concentrate. And I especially cannot have sex! I love sex because it alleviates my headaches and elevates my mood. But for over a year now, I noticed my cramps have become more and more severe. Now, my cramps leave me sexless for three to four days. What can I do about this?

In this instance, I would recommend seeing a doctor. I’ll be able to give you some helpful guidelines, and ways to diminish the pain, but it’s unusual for female menstrual cramps to intensify rather than decrease with age, and for this reason I think you should get checked out, just to be safe. With that being said, it might be beneficial for you to find out if endometriosis runs in your family.
It seems like you’ve developed endometriosis, which is a painful condition in which the endometrial lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus and reacts in the body the same way normal uterine tissue does—growing and shedding. Thus, when your period comes, there’s a substantial amount of tissue outside of the uterus that’s also shedding and causing cramping.
More and More Painful

In this way your cramping might worsen from normally painful cramps to excruciatingly painful cramps, plus increased sensitivity. The true causes of endometriosis are unknown, but it’s thought to be hereditary, so if your mother, aunts, or grandmothers have it, it’s highly possible that you’ve developed it as well.
Not Such a Quick Fix

There is no true cure for endometriosis besides surgery to remove the affected parts, or, most drastically, a total hysterectomy. However, there are ways to control the issue, to allow you to ameliorate your painful menstruation and get back to bangin’!
Prostaglandins and Pain

The cause of your painful menstruation, whether or not is has to do with endometriosis, is rooted in prostaglandins: prostaglandin E2 to be exact. This pesky prostaglandin causes uterine cramping, and all the misery that goes along with it: diarrhea, pain, and headaches. The reason you feel better after you have an orgasm is because at the point of orgasm your entire pelvic area is triggered to “cramp”, eg. contract and release. This action burns up all the available prostaglandins in the area, floods your body with happy hormones, and leaves you cramp free for a while afterwards.
Block that Bothersome Hormone

To replicate this cramp-free state, you need to inhibit the production of this noxious hormone. NSAIDs will do the trick in a pinch. NSAID, which stands for Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, prevent prostaglandins from being formed, as they block the connection site for one of the chemicals needed to create the hormone. Some common NSAIDs are aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen.
It is best not to rely on these methods for pain management, however, because NSAIDs stop the formation of all prostaglandins in the body, and there are some necessary and beneficial ones at work! A better way is to keep your body from producing the prostaglandins naturally, without preventing the production of all prostaglandins in the body.
Keep ‘Em Down!

To do this, I recommend beginning an herbal course designed to relax and tone the uterus. Women have used the herb Cramp Bark for many years to ease menstrual cramps, and also to delay delivery, so strong are the antispasmodic effects of the herb. (TRY: Natural Remedy for Femalre Health Restoration) Chasteberry also works to relax the uterus and encourage a milder period. I’m sure that this formula will ease your pains, but it would be best to see a doctor to ascertain exactly what the problem is caused by. Good luck!

What to do

Female Restorex Plus Formula

Female Restorex Plus formula is composed of many essential herbs that help women recover and find relief from suffering associated with hormonal imbalances, sexual dysfunctions and various symptoms of hysterectomy, tipped uterus, vaginal and...

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